Last modified on 2/9/2025 (Today) 6:26 AM by FogBugz.
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Policy Retrieval API The policy retrieval API is intended to retrieve details ...Last edited by User on 7/23/2015 9:44 AMAdded example return values.
In this wiki you can find information on how to implement IIG's v3 API using ...Last edited by User on 7/23/2015 9:34 AMAdded link to policy retrieval.
Sending Credit Card Data to IIG Directly IIG's systems will not accept credit ...Last edited by User on 3/5/2015 9:23 AMAdded example.
There are two major parts to the Mexico Auto API. The Vehicle API which is ...Last edited by User on 3/5/2015 8:33 AMAdded in payment nonce.
Below is an example response from the v3 API. The major parts of this response ...Last edited by User on 1/31/2014 1:40 PMAdded details on limited coverage quotes.
The Mexico Watercraft Hull Liability API is a simple one step API. The Quote / ...Last edited by User on 1/29/2014 8:39 AMAdded liability_id to the policy section.
Below is an example response from the Watercraft API:Created by User on 12/17/2013 9:14 AMAdded code snippet for example response.
Below is an example JSON request for the Watercraft API:Created by User on 12/17/2013 9:09 AMAdded example request.
This article has information pertaining to the Driver's License program for ...Last edited by User on 12/6/2013 1:09 PMAdded URL's.
Below is an example response from the v3 API. The major parts of this response ...Created by User on 11/21/2013 2:22 PMAdded an example response.
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